But then my fascination and interest was shattered when he brought forth a pair of mortar and pestle-
yes, they were lesung batu
i thought he was going to talk about mortars. As in, you know, mortars *pew pew pew* *shiuu, BOOMM* mortars. The canons.
Oh well, LOL.
We were given papers, A3 size for making a creative mindmap to think of the usage for the mortar and pestle.
:: Imagine we're in 201010, and we are archeologists. Then we stumbled upon the mortar and pestle. Think of a way it was used it 2010.
this is a badly drawn picture of a pair of mortar and pestle

and this is a real picture of them
I know they look so different, but honestly I've tried my best to draw it. I'm so proud of my drawing and it looks very nice.
After hours of brainstorming, I finally thought of a way to use the mortar and pestle other than knocking someone's head or mashing belacan.
"In 2010, people use mortars and pestles as a symbol of their purity. Each born male will have their own mortars, and each born woman will have their own pestles. Then in marriage, they will combine the mortar and pestle as a symbol of their marriage, and as a symbol of pestle going into mortar's hole to create something delicious just like belacan except belacan is edible and the pestle entering mortar is not edible. But its up to your view whether its edible or not, I won't judge, and I know some people are cannibals so they can eat anything. But I don't think they'll eat the mortar and pestle."
I was wearing an 'I Love Sydney' shirt in the class that day and it was embarrassing when i was called I Love Sydney when I have never even been there. Then I thought another use for the mortar and pestle...
But still I was proud that I thought of a great usage for the mortar and pestle in just a few minutes and I can smell the jealousy in the air and my classmates' faces turning green of envy.
I shall not let them savor the tasty taste of compliment so I pretended that I do not notice them.
I must watch my back from time to time because one might hire an assassin cum ninja cum pirate to attempt to assassinate me. Its true, one of them almost killed me in my sleep.
Anyway after a few days my friend told me that there is a tradition like that in India or somewhere like there. I cant differentiate between them all, they look the same, just like white people see all asians as the same.
She told me that Indians do give each other mortars and pestles upon marriage, and I don't feel like my idea is unique anymore.
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