Friday, July 2, 2010

Lesson 1: Defining Creativity

I used to sit and ponder about things, well actually I still do. I don't know why every time I say it, it comes out as if I had stopped doing that.And actually, coincidentally one of the things I had pondered about was creativity. Not just the words, but the whole context of creativity.

And I always thought of how it was confined in a definition or maybe a context, of some sort.

Well for starters, creativity and creative are two different things. Creativity is in the mind of the person, while creative is the action he or she does, ie:

His creativity is adorable, me makes creative drawings and creations.

You get what I mean right?
Also, I love to ponder how people are creative since the dawn of time. Like the moment when the first spark of light illuminated the caves of prehistoric men.
How do they even know how to create fire in the first place?

That... is sure as hell creative.
Imagine assembling an engine with no experience while blindfolded.

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